SGA prepares homecoming festivities
October 13, 2022
Garden of Glamour: Homecoming 2022
by Lulu Cowden, reporter
As SGA prepares for Homecoming week, sponsor Erin Hendricks and SGA leaders agree it is all fun but intense preparation is involved.
While homecoming planning season is tedious, Hendricks has enjoyed having great SGA leaders these past two years.
“We had a wonderful SGA president last year who loved to plan homecoming events, and we have two great leaders this year, Joe Solomen and Renie Kennedy,” Hendricks said.

Kennedy serves as vice-president while Solomen serves at the helm. The two have been working together since this past summer to find a theme. After that, they faced the challenge of staying within budget while executing their vision.
“I am definitely most excited to see what everything looks like after it is all put together! Yes, Joe and I have a vision but things don’t always work out as we want, so we will have to roll with the punches!” Kennedy said.
Hendricks loves to see how all students get excited about the homecoming season and how the SGA gets everyone involved in dressing up throughout the week. This year they have added some extra exciting things for more student involvement.
“We are going to create a Homecoming Committee of people who want to help, who aren’t a part of SGA,” Kennedy said.
This year, students from the Art Club are working on a 27 foot long mural that will be the centerpiece of the decor.
The theme of homecoming is something students look forward to every year. Last year’s theme was neon, but this year’s theme is a little more glamorous.
” The theme is Garden of Glamour. Think Bridgerton!” Solomen said.
Other planned homecoming activities are spirit days where students dress up in theme for the day, a bonfire Thursday night at 6 p.m. at the Pavilion at the Beach and the football game at W.C. Majors Stadium at 7 p.m. where the court will be presented at halftime. The festivities conclude Saturday at 7 p.m. with the Homecoming Dance in the FHS Gym.