Huff Friedman swims, marches for his school
November 2, 2022
Student Spotlight: Huff Friedman
by Julia Vesterlund, reporter

Senior Huff Friedman plays the snare drum and swims for the varsity swim team.
Friedman has been a part of the Buccaneer Band since sixth grade but playing piano since the age of four, then switching drums. He currently serves as section leader for percussions.
Band means sacrifice of time from some other activities.
“Being a part of the band program means that I’ve had to sacrifice never being in the student section during the football games,” Friedman said. “I’d say that is worth it, with the amount of musical knowledge and experience that I have earned.”
Friedman has also been a part of a swim team since first grade. He started swimming for a summer league team and joined the high school team in seventh grade.
“I would say that I enjoy both the swim team and band about the same, but I would have to lean more towards band because I’m waiting to play in the drum line in college,” Friedman said.

In his free time, Friedman likes to go outside and camp on Fish River with friends and family. He’s also a part of the organization team for the United Nations and plans to attend their conference this month.
Friends and fellow band members say Friedman’s dedication is impressive.
“I know Huff, and he is just so dedicated,” said Senior majorette Ellery Scott.
Going away from college means Friedman will miss friends and family.
“I act like I won’t miss [my family], but I will miss them a lot,” Friedman said.
Friedman plans on attending Mississippi State University in the fall and wants to play cymbals or the bass drum for The Famous Maroon Band.