What Makes a Miss Teen
February 13, 2023
Behind the Crown- A backstage pass to Bramblett’s life as a Miss Teen
by Lulu Cowden, reporter
Miss Mobile Bay Teen’s ability to handle the work that comes with her title, school and acting is something most only aspire of doing. Taking a dive into her preparation for all things Miss Teen reveals how driven she truly is.
In order to understand how Dru Bramblett became who she is today, it is important to know who has impacted her life. Although many have shaped who she is, if she had to choose one main person it would be her mom.
“The amount of wisdom and love she has poured into me is beyond measure,” Bramblett said.
Also, all the support and confidence that has come from her mom is something that no one can take away. The lessons her mother instilled in her from a young age made Bramblett always have big aspirations for her life.
Her love for the arts began at a young age.
“I first realized my passion for the arts when I was 6 years old after watching my sister in a theater summer camp.” Bramblett said.
Right after this, she told her mom she wanted to be in the next production. She said if her younger self saw her in movies, films and production today, she would be so proud.
She decided to use her talents in singing and acting in order to compete for Miss Mobile Bay Teen.
Jenny Bramblett, Dru Bramblett’s mom, explains that when getting ready for Miss Mobile Bay Teen they only had two weeks to prepare.
Although time was tight, she said, “Even under pressure Dru handled it all beautifully and showed her best self out on that stage.”

After being crowned Miss Mobile Bay Teen, her work is by no means done. Bramblett still has Miss Teen Alabama in March and all the responsibility that comes with being a Miss Teen.
All the Misses must represent the four points of style, service, scholarship and success. Bramblett’s Instagram shows her using these four points while making appearances in elementary-middle school showing kids how to act and show themselves through the arts.
To get ready for Miss Alabama Teen she has been extensively trained in interviews, walks, talent and dance, and has been searching for the most stunning evening gown. But, her favorite part of preparation has by far been the talent portion. She will be using her musical theater talents to sing “Somewhere” from West Side Story.
Her ability to always want to do more for herself and others shows why she embodies what a Miss Teen truly is.
“I see myself on set on the next big movie, then grabbing coffee with the President to discuss allocating funds for art education in schools,” Bramblett said.
Also, while doing all this work she still maintains an A average in school. Her peers describe her as upbeat, passionate, and determined.
The Miss Alabama Teen competition takes place March 11-12, 2023 in Alabaster, Ala. Like the lyrics of “Somewhere,” say, “There is a place for us,” and that place for Dru Bramblett is on a stage, literally at Miss Teen Alabama…figuratively on the stage of success.