Final Exam Schedule ’22

April 21, 2022
Attention Students, the time has come. It is finally time for finals!
We’re almost there, folks! As the end of the 2021-2022 school year approaches, so do exams. While these may not be everyone’s favorite thing, they are essential to moving up a grade or graduating (I’m talking to you, seniors). Push yourself hard these last few weeks and finish out this school year strong! We’ve got this, Pirates.
Senior Exams
Tuesday, May 3 – 7th period exam
Wednesday, May 4 – 4th, 5th, and 6th period exams
Thursday, May 5 – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period exams (This is also awards night!)
Friday, May 6 – make-up exams
Underclassmen Exams (9th-11th grade)
Wednesday, May 18 – 1st period exam (taken during 1st period)
Thursday, May 19 – 2nd period exam (take at 8 AM), 3rd period exam (taken at 9 AM)
Friday, May 20 – 4th period exam (taken at 8 AM), 5th period exam (taken at 9 AM)
Monday, May 23 – 6th period exam (taken at 8 AM), 7th period exam (taken at 9 AM)
Tuesday, May 24 – make-up exams
If you are a student taking AP or IB classes, those exams will take place on their previously scheduled days.
Remember to try your hardest and don’t stress! Everything will work out.