Fairhope students moved by suicide awareness assembly

Always ready to chat… never hesitate to reach out to Moore any time. Submitted photo.
April 17, 2023
Allison Moore’s Inspiring Speech Becomes an Eye-Opener: “Yep…Did Not See That Coming”
by Isabella Fike, reporter
April 13, 2023 (FAIRHOPE, Ala.)–Students at Fairhope High School attended an assembly by guest speaker, Allison Moore called “Yep…Did Not See That Coming” which opened a new perspective for them.
The assembly was initiated by Peer Helpers who claim mental, social and emotional life issues are discussed among students in various settings throughout the year.
“The assembly came about from a group of student leaders coming to me concerned for the mental well-being of our school,” Cardwell said. “It was student-led and student-driven.”
Peer Helpers led by Katie Stewart is one of the many clubs endorsed by Baldwin County.
Active since 2009, the club encourages students from all grade levels to join.
Moore spoke about the Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation which has expanded to ensure it is reaching students’ needs at schools, county-wide.
“The Foundation was named in honor and memory of Jennifer Claire Moore, a high school student who lost her life to suicide in 1997,” Stewart said. “Jennifer’s family wanted to enable students to have access to assistance when they needed it, leading them to create the foundation in 1998.”

Moore’s presentation focuses on mental health awareness for when life takes an unexpected turn, hoping to include students who don’t know how to react to life’s curve balls and struggle with the trapped and lost feeling that leads them to suicide.
Moore’s intention of the assembly was to provide coping mechanisms for students.
But why now?
Students were moved by the touching stories from Allison and her husband, Grayson Moore. The story was a shocking influence on those struggling.
Sophomore Ali Reiss attended the assembly. She felt like the assembly brought attention to the subject and was particularly moved by Moore’s story and the rippling effect that suicide has on other people. Reiss said she feels the school saw the need for the assembly due to the struggles of so many students.
“There’s always going to be someone struggling out there with their mental health and they need to know that just because you might think you should end your life and get away from the pain, that action will cause so much more pain to others,” Reiss said.
Moore emphasized how the school is aware of teen suicide rates and provides many resources available, making it important for students to realize anyone can ask for assistance.
The school’s resources consist of counselors and peer helpers who always have open arms for those in need.
Currently, the school has four counselors: Kendra Small for ninth grade, Nicole White for tenth grade, Cammie Adams for eleventh grade and Treavie Ainsworth for the twelfth grade; along with social workers: Anna Barrett and Lindsey Lee.
“I think it is important for us to realize that there are ups and downs in life and no one is perfect,” Barrett said. “Everyone has a story and we are not alone. There are resources available and we want students to be aware of those resources and ask for help for themselves or others.”
Principal Jon Cardwell helped plan the assembly. He is a proud Pirate and encourages the best from the students.
“My number one priority is threefold. It’s the safety and mental well-being of our students and their education,” Cardwell said.
Everyone has a story, and Fairhope High School wants to make it known that you are not alone. Your voice is always heard.