by Presley Hughes
FAIRHOPE, Ala. — The Unitarian Fellowship Church held its Hogwarts Halloween Festival after a three year hiatus due to COVID-

19, on Fairhope Avenue October 7 bringing excitement from the church’s longtime members and for its newcomers.
“I was a part of Hogwarts at Fairhope four years ago, before COVID, and it was always fun and rewarding,” said Ally Johnston, volunteer. “I love getting to know the people at the church since they’re always so kind and open to new members.”
Harry Potter favorites made an appearance at the festival including butterbeer, Hogwarts house costumes and the game of Quidditch. Arts and crafts stations, baked goods and free costumes were available for attendees to enjoy.
Vendors inside the church sold handmade glassware and new / used children’s books with proceeds going to the church.
“The best part of events like these is that we can bring people together to have fun and let go of stress for at least a short time,“ said Allyson Russell, local librarian.

Outside the church, children and parents walked from table to table enjoying different crafts including decorating their own wands, creating mini journals, personalizing writing quills and creating owls, made of pine cones and paper.
“My children have been attending the youth portion of the church, run by Allyson Russell, for over a year now and I’ve started attending the church myself this year,” said Taylor Domico, volunteer and church member. “The unity, inclusion and open-mindedness drew me to attending the church full time as well as joining the volunteer program.”
The congregation plans to continue this tradition annually now that the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.