Lights…Camera…Fall apart?
by Gioia Calzetta, reporter
FAIRHOPE, Ala. — The theatrical students presented their newest production, “The One Act Play That Goes Wrong,” on October

20 in the Black Box, located in the art wing of the high school. The production features a murder-mystery plot with an unusual twist. As the play progresses, parts of the set begin to fall apart.
The production features a play within a play.
“As the play continues, the errors grow and grow until eventually the whole set falls down,” said Hannah Rogers, director.
This adaptation to the play, while visually entertaining, was very difficult to create. The drama club spent many hours, weekends included, creating a set that can fall apart and be put back together in a short amount of time,necessary because of the back to back showings.
“It was really hard to build. It took a lot of work days.We would be here on Saturdays from 8-12 [noon]. I was really worried that the set was going to fall on someone as we were building it,” said Ellie Walker, cast as Annie.

In order for the play to make sense, the set had to fall apart at just the right time.
“This is by far the most technically challenging set that we’ve had to build. [It] has to fall apart at the exact right time, and it has to be able to be put back together. We had to find lots of ways to have things fall and have certain tricks that can then be restored back to their original way,” Rogers said.
The set falling apart provides comedic relief for the audience while the play has many comical moments and humorous scenes.
“My favorite scene is when Annie passes out and I have to go back on in batman boxers and a t-shirt because of how hard it is to not laugh at everybody else,” said Lyric Hall, cast as Florence.
The production attracted students and adults to the weekend showings as well as the in-school performance.. To stay updated on the theater production schedule, Drama Club updates their instagram @fairhopetheatre for the public to follow.