by Riley Wootten, junior editor
FAIRHOPE, Ala.- Fairhope High School Key Club showcases an angel tree in the front office for students to pick up on their way to class. Each branch holds a Christmas wish for a child in need. Students can purchase these wishes for the holiday season.
“The angel tree has given me the opportunity to serve my community by allowing me to supply items and gifts for less fortunate children to provide them with joy for the Christmas season,” said Ella Shedd, junior. “I picked the angel of a fifteen year old girl who asked for anything Lilo and Stitch. Not only did this bring me joy this season and allow me to serve my community, but it also provided a child with gifts that she might otherwise not have been able to get.”
To motivate students Key Club offers one hour of service for every $5 purchase one makes towards the gift. The entire angel tree has been cleared leaving each child in need a present provided by the students of Fairhope High School.
“The angel tree is an easy way to help people, especially kids who are sadly less fortunate. Having an easy opportunity to help others in a big way should always be considered because it makes a bigger difference than you think, ” said Cain McCool, junior.
This tree has been a great way to teach students the importance of serving others and the small acts one can do to be kind. Tricia Hudson serves as Key Club sponsor.
“So many of us here at Fairhope High School have been very blessed with what we have and the angel tree is a way to share that with others and make sure everybody feels love here at Christmas time,” Hudson said.
Key club encourages students outside of the club to participate in this act of service and grants all students of Fairhope High School an opportunity to make a difference in a child’s Christmas.
“The angel tree has shown students the joy of gifting to others, and that can hopefully inspire them to volunteer for different organisations in the future,” said Vivienne Littlepage, Key Club secretary. This tree has shown students the joy of giving and serves as inspiration to serve your community and get involved. If you are interested in the angel tree or have any further questions you can contact Mary Parker at [email protected].