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The Student News Site of Fairhope High School

The Pirateer

The Student News Site of Fairhope High School

The Pirateer

The Student News Site of Fairhope High School

The Pirateer

Worming through… Compost bins sit in front of Fairhope High School. FHS students supplied the waste within. Students rotate the bins regularly to allow for complete decomposition of the waste.

Vermicomposting spreads sustainability throughout student body

Amelia Bates and Leah Hicks March 18, 2025

Most people only consider sustainability to the point of recycling, but for Sarah Bogdanovich, a Fairhope community member, there’s a much more efficient, albeit wriggly, system available.  Several...

GOODNIGHT FAIRHOPE… Fairhope locals and visitors walk along the pier. They watched the sunset over Mobile Bay.

Locals, visitors involvement strengthens community

Kendall Kirchoff and Hannah Cate Miller March 18, 2025

A community’s strength depends upon its contributors. Getting involved in Baldwin County with its wide variety of volunteer opportunities and events creates what  locals and visitors have come to know...

Typing away… Senior Piper Berry types paragraphs reflecting on her trades as a part of the project. Berry started with a pen, and through a series of ten trades, she ended up with a water gun and floatie.

Red Paperclip Project teaches students economic life lessons

FAIRHOPE, Ala.–Trading: It’s an exchange of goods and services that dates back to prehistoric times before currency existed. But what if you could trade something as simple as a container of white-out...

A new chapter… Teen volunteer Eleanor Boyer laughs at a joke teen volunteer Trinity Lewis tells as she passes a book down the line. Teen volunteer Jill Cotten, Lewis and Boyer stayed side-by-side throughout the event, enjoying each others’ company as they made book history.

Fairhope Public Library turns the page for teens at Book-It Brigade

Jillian Surla, editor-in-chief March 10, 2025

Carrying stories, building spaces… by Jillian Surla, editor in chief FAIRHOPE, Ala.---Some books change lives, while others are carried upstairs with a group of friends, passing them hand-to-hand in...

Knight to remember… The Knights of Ecor Rouge parade through downtown throwing beads to onlookers. The knights rode through downtown three times and threw toys and stuffed animals to children.

Fairhope celebrates Mardi Gras with local parades

Riley Wootten, junior editor March 10, 2025

Mardi Pardi by Riley Wootten, junior editor FAIRHOPE, Ala.---Small town Fairhope hosts annual parades in celebration of Mardi Gras season. These three parades consist of the Knights of Ecor Rouge, Maids...

On your marks, get set, go!... The elementary school kids await the Pirate Dash in downtown Fairhope. The kids ran a one- mile dash to raise money for their schools. “My favorite part of the run is seeing all the kids running through the finish line,” Bruns said.

Annual Pirate Dash benefits schools

Addison Glies and Isabella Boney February 24, 2025

Fast or slow, it doesn’t matter. The annual Pirate Dash helps raise money for the three elementary schools, Fairhope East, Fairhope West and J. Larry Newton. In its 10th year in running, the Pirate Dash...

We all Scream for ice cream!... Gene Beans owner Chad Bartz helps his workers serve ice cream at the First Friday art walk. “ I love to help out and see everyone that comes in,” Bartz said.

Local ice cream shop remains favorite stop at First Friday Art Walk

Valery Bedoya and Abbie Butler February 24, 2025

First Friday Art Walk, an event that happens the first Friday of every month in different cities along the coast of Alabama, has earned popularity in the city of Fairhope. Starting at 6 p.m. and ending...

Here’s the story… Wadsworth actress Rachael Goodrich explains how each murder went down, running around on stage to reenact every scene. By the end, she sat on the set stairs out of breath.

Baldwin County Virtual School presents Clue

Jillian Surla, editor-in-chief November 18, 2024

McCarthyism at its finest… by Jillian Surla, editor-in-chief FAIRHOPE, Ala.— On November 15 and 16, The Pelican Players of the Baldwin County Virtual School performed Clue in the Fairhope High School...

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